Birthday wishes from Queerclick

29 Oct, 2017

The Bentley Race 18th birthday celebrated with Queerclick the best porn blog on the internet

How amazing is it that we are celebrating 18 years of being online this month. I though my little weekend hobby of taking photos and videos of my mates was just a phase I was going through when I came to Melbourne. And now I have shot with hundreds of guys and made a tonne of videos. I just spotted some awesome birthday wishes from the very hot porn blog Queerclick. They made some amazing collages this morning and even created a Top 10 popular mates they have promoted on their site over the past 10 years. You can check it out HERE.
The guys at have been great supporters of the site and out mates over the past 10 years. They have even helped me out with photography and editing tips. Their viewers comments also helps me work out what’s good and bad in the shoots.
But yeah…  18 years. Wow!



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First Spring shoot – Hunter Jones

26 Sep, 2017

Aussie boy Hunter Jones stripping naked in the Bentley Race porn studio

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It’s so good to be getting back in to shooting in the studio again. I felt a bit rusty after having a break over winter. The days are getting warmer and brighter so now is the perfect time to be getting the guys around again. One of the first guys back is my handsome mate Hunter Jones. You might remember Hunter did a couple of shoots last year before he took off overseas. I was really lucky to catch him again in Melbourne last week and get him back in to the studio. It was a really fun shoot too. And now I am busy scheduling the shoots for the next couple of weeks. It’s going to be a mix of some of the guys from earlier this year coming back, and a bunch of new guys who recently applied to come around for a session. It’s going to be a very busy Spring here in Melbourne.

It’s back to work and back to shooting new scenes

15 Sep, 2017

Aussie boy Jeremy Coen in his first porn studio shoot at Bentley race

After taking a break over winter I’m really excited to start up shooting again. I’m getting prepared to do an early shoot with Hunter before he jets off again. And then I have a very long list of guys waiting to get in for new shoots. I have a lot of solo scenes queued to load on to the site, so I need to shoot some new duo scenes to mix in with them. So I’m looking for some new pairings too. The next few months are going to be VERY busy. In the meantime here’s a few snaps from my shoot with new comer Jeremy Coen that I shot just before the break.  Bring on summer!

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Aussie blond cock on Jeremy Coen stripping naked in Australian porn studio Bentley race

Taking a winter break

31 Jul, 2017

WInter porn studio aussie boys

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After doing this studio shoot last week I decided to stop shooting for the remainder of the month. It’s just too dam cold in that big lofty studio right now. It’s good to take a break now so I can catch up on the weeks and weeks of shoot editing I need to do. I still have scenes from the beginning of the year I have still go to post. There are quite a lot of guys waiting for either their first shoot, or return shoots at the moment, so Spring is going to get very busy. In the meantime I am looking forward to loading all the hours of new videos I have been working on. There are some hot surprises in them.

Winter shoots in Australia

22 Jun, 2017


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I have been a little bit quiet on the blog this month while I have been busy getting some last shoots done before winter. I’m using the longer breaks between shoots now to catch up on all the editing. I still have quite a lot of the shoots from January in Europe to edit and post. Some really beautiful guys too. I have been mixing those shoots up with the guys here in Australia. You will have noticed that I posted my shoot with Patrik Vass this week. He’s one of my favourite discoveries of that trip.
But back at home here in Australia it has gotten very chilly and the days are short. So I am doing all the shoots in the studio, or for those brave enough, my very chilly bathroom. And this week we will swap to Sydney to see if we can find some sexy new guys there. I will try to post more often as we move about.




Hung Daddy Romain on top of Luc Dean

11 May, 2017


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After shooting so many solo guys earlier this year, I have been busy shooting more duo guys since I got home. And there’s been no shortage of volunteers to fill the spots. So there will be a lot more duo sets coming up. I will splice the solo guys in between them. This week we saw Luc Dean’s heavy sex session with hung daddy Romain. This was a really great shoot!


Autumn in Melbourne

25 Apr, 2017


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I am always so surprised each year how quickly it starts to get dark in Melbourne as we head in to winter. Today I am setting up for a shoot with a couple of our mates. It’s wet and cold outside, so I’m not sure if we’ll get any outdoor shots yet. But I preparing the studio with extra lights just in case it gets any darker through the day. I usually don’t like using lighting, but sometimes it’s better than just dark photos and video.

A quick visit to India

22 Apr, 2017


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I have been a little bit quiet on here lately because my day job has gotten really busy this year. In fact I just got back from working in India (Chennai beach pic above). So I was glad I had shot loads of scenes earlier in the year so I could keep updating the site during my busy periods. It’s been great being busy and learning lots of new stuff and meeting new people, but it’s also nice being back at home in Melbourne again now, and shooting stuff with my mates. I even heard that some of the guys from last year are coming back for new scenes soon. There are also a few new Aussie boys doing their first shoots now. This year is going to go very quickly. By the way, did you know Chennai beach is the longest beach in world? Well that’s what Wikipedia tells me. It’s big.

Home Sweet Home – The end of Summer

17 Mar, 2017


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I love travelling around the world meeting beautiful guys. But not nearly as much as I love shooting with my mates at home in Melbourne. After that long trip around Europe and to the US, I took a few weeks off when I got home to catch up on sorting out all the shoots and doing some editing. But before summer finishes I want to get a lot more shooting done. So last weekend we got busy again with guys coming around to get their gear off and get it on. These long sunny hot days have been great for getting some amazing photos and video footage. The guys love it too. There’s currently a lot of guys waiting to do their first shoot, and I want to get many of our mates from last year back for new scenes. It’s gonna be very busy. Added to that, I can’t wait to show all the guys I met in Europe. I wish I could have brought them all home with me.

The Summer Vacation in Winter Locations

25 Jan, 2017


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I’ve been a bit quiet on here in the past month because I have been doing a lot of travelling.  Right after I visited my family at Christmas I took off for the long trip to Berlin. Since then I have spent some time in Budapest, and right now I’m visiting New York. It’s been a bit of a mad trip. I’ve met loads of hot guys, as well as catching up with some of my old mates. I’ve experienced cold temperatures that I’ve never felt before. It’s kinda funny coming to the northern hemisphere in the middle of Australia’s summer. But I’ll be back there in plenty of time to check the rest of summer and doing some more shooting with my mates back home. Gees…  so much has happened on this trip. I’ll have to make a few more posts about it.

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New mates

Pedro Mota
Alex Black
Marvin Wonder
Pedro Flows
Daniel Colton
Toby Ottoli
Ryan Ford
Drew Miller
Arki Santos
Danny Luppo
Brian Jaxom
Shane Madden

Members' favourite scenes

Playing with my cute mate Toby Ottoli
Getting my cute mate Felix off in his first video
Our fit mate Isaac jacking his big cock
My cute mate Toby came back for a naked visit
First shoot with our cute new mate Felix Stone
Introducing our hot new mate Isaac Hunter
Shooting with my cute mate Eddie
Soap up with my cute mate Andy in the shower